


All living beings are dreaming about the immortality. Everyone who can feel the hot flavor of life tries to extend it forever. But only few were able to do this. Among them – our Maestro SERGEI PARAJANOV and refractory life Parajanov was managed to sprout his own secret of immortality.


Works of great masters always have something untold, something unrealized, something that was planned to carry out into the practice but left uncompleted. Except the amazing movies, SERGEI PARAJANOV has left us his incredible screenplays, novels, drafts and letters through which we can clearly see such familiar features of genius – the true Parajanov features. Parajanov belong to the group of really much rare people: he is the person of Plays. His movies, collages, screenplays and letters are the never-ending game with objects, images, colors, puppets, masks, myths and… Death…


Parajanov is not just a memory with incredibly kind eyes; he is a special culture. The cult of the holiday, the cult of the intoxicating secrets of beauty, which infinitely exposing and slopping over all possible limits – these are all about the Parajanov culture. Extemporizer, Magician, Grand Chute, the creator of his own cinematic language and the Hoaxer, which was marked with the print of childhood for whole his life. He created like he was living, and lived like he was creating. His mystifications were his main magic, main secret. That was those miracles which helped people to break out of the daily routine and usual boring roles they got used to play in their everyday life bringing them to the Carnival of the Master’s Abuse of Power. And those gifts he generously gave at this carnival, turned into special talismans which were managed to save the souls from becoming gray desk plankton, and gave everyone, who touched this party of life, a great chance to become a Master of his own destiny. To work and create in this space, one need to have an outstanding creative boldness for being able to create not a usual soulless and withered copy but a real vivid masterpiece which will live forever in human’s souls. Few would dare to step into this protected area.



The director and the founder of Parajanov Moscow Art Theater VLADIMIR GABBE feels himself in this space like at home. Actually, why "like"? This is actually his home, where he invites us to the frenetic Sabbath of Parajanov myths and passions. And if Parajanov movies (according to his own admission) are dumb as a painting, the stage plays directed by VLADIMIR GABBE are conspiracy or suddenly revived images. Here, at Parajanov Moscow Art Theater a unique movie-theater space, where the motion-picture projection plays the role of an actor or scenery and where the actor can become an object of photography, was born. Like both, the Dream and the Reality, these two spaces are indispensible from each other; they flow, multiply, and create the mystery of Light, in which the Illusion and Magic are two imprescriptible things. And often, very often they reshape their roles. Here one can move from the world of Master’s wonderful dreams to the world of the feast of his soul, which is, of course, are royal in special Parajanov way. Here you can plunge into the endless Parajanov Eros, become implicated with his desperations and sweepstakes, or even play the main role in his amazing film or mystery. Here you will find these wonderful fairy Gates which brings you into the World of the beyond. These gates are those doors that will show you the way to the Wonderland – the Wonderland of Parajanov, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Fellini...


It’s not necessary to be Parajanov to be able not only to learn how to play with mirrors, but also to teach the mirrors the mastery of Life – true creative life. In fact, this is the main occupation of Maestro in there – in the land of DREAMS which has become his home. And now, during many years it excites and drawing us so passionately!