

...The amazing magnificence of carnival masks... magically captivating collages, which absorbed the great variety of the world of things - vintage laces, pins, brooches, glass beads, pieces of porcelain, dried peel of pomegranate, peacock feathers, pieces of old photos…

The unique coloration: deep red, scarlet, purple and the amazing beauty of composedly glittering gold against the background of deep velvety-black color. Ancient, bird and foreign-language gestures.

The magic of COLOR and SOUND ... And faces of different persons, which are seemed to be  illuminated from within, fall deep into the memory of everyone who ever sees them in his life….

This is a legendary world of Parajanov Theater. Let’s hold on a second before entering into this fantastical world...

Probably, it happens to everyone who had ever dared to take a short look through the keyhole of his own dreams. No matter where exactly it had happened - in the vanity of huge metropolis or in the old linden alley or next to for ages familiar doors… You slightly touch the door handle and unexpectedly find a completely different Door, behind which you see the raging unfamiliar, exotic and so much outlandish and appealing world. The World of fantasy and dreams. The World of our most out-of-limits desires and wishes resurrection…

…What is that? A Myth? A Fairytale? A fantastic ceremony?..

Maybe this mystery became the main reason and the first passion for the birth of this theater, for the endless search for the unknown and not yet formulated by anyone genre?..

PARAJANOV THEATRE... where all of us are free and all-powerful creators and magicians.

Here, like in the alchemical laboratory, bit by bit is recreated the unusual Parajanov aesthetics – the aesthetics of the holiday, the aesthetics of the sacrament, which gives the audience the extraordinary passion for other undiscovered worlds and torn up elements...

This is a living organism, which on some very poignant note catches the Parajanov motive and reproduces his mood and the SHADOW OF HIS PRESENCE…

It is everywhere: in the combination of elements and sounds, colors and lights, voice, meaning and search...

In the game which was started with you by the Space at the moment when you step across the threshold of the theater…

Installations, portraits and photos. And in each "lane" of PARAJANOVGRAD is He – the crafty and uncompromising, laughing and sad, strong and radiant! And together these all creates dragging and indescribable feeling of Presence... And the theater, which was named after its founder, as well as Parajanov himself, has crossed the border of scaffolding. The sincerity and fantasy of Parajanov samples will never fit into the Procrustean bed of any existing definitions. The Theater, which now is a Museum of ornamental-spiritual essences of the Maestro, will suddenly turn into the Memory, the Movie and the Home for present shadows. This is the real life of the Theater: to help the audience, guests and visitors to travel in the magical world of theater scene and fantastical play.


And you shouldn’t be surprised, dear friends, if one day you will find a door into the world of "PARADZHANOVGRAD". You shouldn’t be surprised because you will never have enough strength for surprising at every turn, at every breath. Take a surprise as the style of breathing and get ready for a miracle. Because Dreams can never die. Same like Maestros never die. They always stay next to us. You just need to find a special path to visit and to see them. And the one who finds such a path will open a new world – the world of THEATER where he will be able to give a touch to Parajanov miracle of the fantastical life-event. Somewhere here, in this Theater, there is a door behind which you will find the crafty smiling Maestro. Maybe he is preparing his next stunning rally? The door can be drawn but the light coming from under of it is real. There, behind this door, you will find our eternal Home, from where fantastical dreams are appearing. This is the real miracle…Open the doors of this wonderful, fantastical MARVEL-THEATER!

And when the Time briefly hides in its folds his invaluable madness, the echo, which can be heard very close, brings with itself the call of possession of amazing people like Vladimir and Louise Gabbe, who devoted their lives to the birth of this great and unique fairytale – the PARAJANOV THEATER!